Our Courses
Sports Studies (BTEC)
Welcome to the Sixth Form Sport page!
Two of our key values at Kingsmead are resilience and employability and by studying Sport you will ensure that you are both!
We offer both the single award, equivalent to one A-Level and the double award, which is worth two.
Single award
If you have a keen interest in sport, health and well-being then this is the course for you. The course will consist of lectures and practical sessions. This course is ideal for those looking to improve their knowledge of developmental aspects within sports and fitness.
The units that you will study are:
* Anatomy and Physiology
* Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
* Professional Development in the Sports Industry
* Application of Fitness Testing
These units are assessed through a combination of the external assessment (exams) and internal assessment (coursework). As it is a BTEC qualification you will have the option to re-sit any exams where you wish to improve your grade.
These lessons are typically broad, balanced, insightful and engaging as we deliver this course to you through a variety of theory, research-based and practical lessons. They will give you all the information you need to go and apply to either an assignment or external exam.
Double award
The double award is the equivalent of two A-Levels and again offers a strong progression into post-Sixth Form opportunities for anyone who is interested in sport, health, well-being, business in sport and sports psychology then this is the course for you. The course will consist of lectures and practical sessions and, as well as the units listed above, will include:
The units that you will study are:
* Sports Leadership
* Coaching for Performance
* Sports Event Organisation
* Investigating Business in Sport and the Active Leisure Industry
* Skill Acquisition in Sport
Sport Studies at Kingsmead
The pace of the lessons is quick, meaning that you will come out of each lesson either learning something new or reinforcing knowledge which can be transferred from GCSE PE and some aspects of the BTEC Sport course. The department have adopted a philosophy of ‘teaching to the top’, meaning that they will be challenging you throughout your BTEC Sport lessons in order to access the higher-level criteria (such as Distinctions!)
The beauty of a BTEC Sport lesson is that every lesson has a profound purpose. Each lesson you will learn about content that you will then have to apply to either questions or vocational sporting scenarios.
As with all courses at Kingsmead, the qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers, such as universities or apprenticeships. These pathways could include:
* Sports Development and Management
* Sports Management
* Sports Business Management
* Sport and Leisure Management
* Sports Science (Outdoor Activities)
* Exercise, Health and Fitness
* Sport and Exercise Psychology
* Most Physical Education Courses
To find out more information, please contact Mr Moreton (j.moreton@kingsmeadschool.net or m.russell@kingsmeadschool.net)