Our Courses
Physics (AQA A-Level)
Hello Physicists!
A-level Physics is the study of the world around us, from the light we use to see things to the forces keeping our atoms together! At A-Level we build on the ideas met at GCSE and start to really understand what is going on.
In the first year of the course, you will develop the Maths skills you need. Maths is the language we use to explain observed phenomena. We will look at Newton’s Laws of motion in real world contexts, for example. Energy is a key topic in Physics so we will reinforce the ideas met at GCSE and apply them. Electrical circuits and material properties both have lots of practical work in. In fact, the whole course is geared around learning Physics by doing Physics. You will get a practical skills endorsement along with your final grade to show how much you have done and how good you have become at practical work. During the first year, we will also go beyond these foundations and delve into the mysterious world of Quantum Physics, explaining how light and electrons display both wave-like and particle-like properties!
Physics lessons at Kingsmead are always interesting, engaging and challenging. A-Levels require you to become independent learners, able to use research skills and be self-motivated to read around topics and work on problems outside of lesson time. In lessons we will introduce concepts and demonstrate practical skills. You will then work in groups or on your own on problems and in investigation teams doing practical Physics.
At the end of Year 13 you will sit 3 examination papers, each 2 hours long, which will cover all content taught over the past two years. The first two papers will examine your content knowledge and Paper 3 will test your knowledge of the practical investigations.
The practical work is assessed as you go along. There are 16 key practicals ranging from finding the wavelength of light to seeing how collisions can be analysed using computer software.
Physicists are problem solvers. They think clearly, plan carefully, work collaboratively, question everything and deepen their understanding of the world around them. This is what you will become. Those skills will make you into the type of person who can go on to many different areas and who will be very employable. It is the building block towards degrees in medicine, engineering and other STEM subjects, it’s your passport to an exciting future – and what’s more, you’ll be rewarded handsomely when you get there.
To find out more information, please contact Ms Methuen and Mr Jevon (d.methuen@kingsmeadschool.net and ry.jevon@kingsmeadschool.net )