Our Courses
History (Edexcel A-Level)
Welcome Kingsmead Historians!
At Kingsmead we love History. We love History because it is the study of people and society. History does so much more than teach you about the past, but it shapes you into the person that you want to be. It gives you invaluable skills that are useful in all walks of life: The Ability to Assess Evidence, The Ability to Assess Conflicting Interpretations, and Experience in Assessing Past Examples of Change. Historical study is crucial to the promotion of that elusive creature, the well-informed citizen. It provides basic factual information about the background of our political institutions and about the values and problems that affect our social well-being.
By taking A-Level History at Kingsmead, you will study 'Britain (1625 – 1701)' focusing on conflict, revolution and settlement before moving on to ‘France in revolution (1774 – 1789)’ and ‘mass media and social change in Britain between 1882 and 2004’. The Non-Examined Assessment is a 4,000 word study on the civil rights’ movement in the USA, from the end of the US civil war to the death of Martin Luther King.
A typical lesson will involve discussion and an exchange of ideas. Generally, there will have been some reading set for you to complete and then, as a class, we can identify key ideas in the text, or develop our ideas based upon what we’ve read. We will also continue to practise and hone our essay writing skills. Some lessons might require a bit of independent study or group work to help supplement our knowledge and understanding.
This is all in preparation for the three written exams and one piece of internally assessed/externally moderated assessment that you will complete, with support from the History team. The exams vary in length from 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours 15 minutes and will contribute toward 80% of your final grade. The Non-Examined Assessment is set by the department and will form 20% of your final grade.
Achieving an A-Level in History is incredibly powerful to your future aspirations. Employers often deliberately seek students with the kinds of capabilities that historical study promotes, and these reasons are not hard to see why.
Students who take A-Level History will study different phases and societies of the past. By doing this, they will acquire a broad perspective that gives them the range and flexibility required in many work situations. They develop research skills, the ability to find and evaluate sources of information, and the means to identify and evaluate diverse interpretations.
Work in History also improves basic writing and speaking skills and is directly relevant to many of the analytical requirements in the public and private sectors, where the capacity to identify, assess, and explain trends is essential.
To find out more information about A-Level History please speak to Miss Simpson (b.simpson@kingsmeadschool.net)