Our Courses
Business Studies (A-Level & Vocational - Single)
Welcome future entrepreneurs to the Business Studies Department!
One of our values at Kingsmead is employability and how better to ensure that our students leave Sixth Form prepared for the world of work than through the study of Business Studies.
That is why we offer three types of Business Studies course within our Sixth Form.
The first type is the academic, A-Level Business Studies.
In this qualification, students will learn how to investigate business situations and recommend strategic solutions from a manager’s viewpoint.
The A-Level has a more theoretical, mathematical approach to the study of Business Studies and students take 3 examinations at the end of Year 13 with no coursework to complete. Assessments will be in the form of data response questions to real life business case studies and by longer essay-style questions.
Students will learn in lessons by investigating the real business world. A wide variety of business cases from such sources as the news and the internet are used to teach Business. Students become excellent data analysts and creative problem solvers who can put their mind to a wide variety of situations, equipping them for a wide variety of careers. You will look at areas of business including marketing, human resources, finance, operations, Government legislations, economic conditions, international trade and the society.
The alternative to this type of qualification is the vocational qualification where we offer a ‘single’ award (equivalent to one A-Level) or, for those that really want to specialise in Business, the ‘double’ award (which is the equivalent to two A-Levels).
Students who study the OCR Cambridge Technical vocational qualification are required to complete both internal and external assessments, a mixture of coursework and examinations.
Students will have greater control over their outcomes by being able to take responsibility for their completion of coursework and develop time management skills by managing coursework deadlines. Examinations are spread throughout the course and students will have exams in both Year 12 and Year 13 and have the ability to re-sit should they wish to attempt to improve their grade.
The coursework units will be assessed through a range of methods, from formal written reports, other business documents, performing calculations, creating financial statements and the delivery of presentations.
The topics covered will include ‘the business environment’, ‘working in a business’, ‘customers & communication’, ‘accounting concepts’ and ‘the principles of project management’.
Students who wish to complete the double award, which is worth the equivalent of two A-Levels, must complete the units above as well as studying ‘business decisions’, ‘financial accounting’, ‘management accounting’ and ‘change management’. They must also successfully plan, deliver and evaluate a business project where they run an event within the school, such as a Year 7 movie night, for example.
Business Studies remains one of Kingsmead’s most successful departments and to find out more please contact either Mr. Taylor a.taylor@kingsmeadschool.net or m.russell@kingsmeadschool.net