About Us
Student Leadership
Student Leadership at Kingsmead School Sixth Form
Student Leadership provides Sixth Form students with an exciting range of opportunities where they can continue to develop themselves as innovative and employable citizens of the future. Roles such as Head Student, House Captain and School Councillor are up for grabs where students are expected to create and lead their own school improvement plans, fundraising events and school charter.
Leaders are expected to attend half termly meetings, school council conferences, lead assemblies and provide support for younger students through academic coaching, all of which create a positive presence around the school. Sixth Form leaders are role models for younger years and work closely with Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 RIME teams on areas such as student voice, house events and RIME Funding.
For the role of Head Student, Sixth Form students go through a rigorous process, including devising a campaign to promote their manifesto and an interview with the Headteacher. The campaigns are a fantastic way for students to promote themselves as leaders and a great way to get to know their peers. Previously we have seen students run assemblies, create videos and produce posters; all great ways to gain valuable votes!
This role is highly thought of within the school and comes with the responsibility of being a SAFE Ambassador, member of the Rotary Interact team and an academic coach.
Roles and Responsibilities within Sixth Form Student Leadership
Head Student
Responsible for leading the school improvement plan, promoting student leadership throughout school by attending Open Evenings, Transition Days and assemblies and leading school council meetings.
Deputy Head Student
Responsible for supporting the Head Students with the school improvement plan and leading in one area. To help promote student leadership throughout school by attending Open Evenings, Transition Days and school council meetings.
House Captains
Responsible for driving house spirit throughout the school by being a positive presence around school through assemblies and tutor time. To create a calendar of house events and quizzes to enable students to earn XP for the house leader board.
Senior Leaders
Responsible for leading and driving an area of the school improvement plan and oversee the 6th Form leadership team. To help promote student leadership throughout school by attending Open Evenings, Transition Days and school council meetings.
Sixth Form Leadership
Devised of 20+ Sixth Form leaders helping to implement to school improvement plan and promote leadership events throughout the school. Leaders will be SAFE Ambassadors, members of the Rotary Interact team and lead in organising fundraising events. They will participate in academic coaching by becoming a Learning & Teaching Leader, undertake the SSAT accreditation and oversee the KS4 and KS3 RIME teams.
SAFE Ambassadors
The eyes and ears of Kingsmead, providing pupils with peer support whilst promoting the wonderful wellbeing support on offer within school.
Rotary Interact Team
As part of Rotary Cannock, the Interact Team undertake 2 fundraising projects a year raising money for local and international charities. They are responsible for all aspects such as finance and marketing.
School Council
Head Student, deputy head student, senior leaders and house captains form our School Council. Sixth form leadership must apply to be on school council through a written application process. Councillors are responsible for co-ordinating student voice and running RIME funding events.
Leadership accreditation which can be earned by participating in events in and out of school.
The RIME Committee
All of Sixth Form leadership can be a member of a RIME Committee and participate in the activities. The RIME Committee projects ensure that leaders are modelling and promoting the RIME values across the whole school.
RIME Funding
The students are the most important stakeholders in our school, so why should they not have a say in how the money is spent and how we shape our school. Therefore, we have created a RIME Budget account of £20,000. At three separate times throughout the year, staff will be able to apply for funding to help develop their initiatives and projects.
The applications go through a short-listing process run by the Head Students and Student Council and then a final presentation round, again judged by the Student Council. It gives the students a say in what they want and how the school is built. It gives them a responsibility and an input into what they believe is important. Students are each given a summary of the School Improvement Plan and a success criterion to judge the applications against.
How to apply to become a Sixth Form Student Leader
Head Student applications start in February and is open to Year 12 pupils. There is an initial handover period with the existing head students in preparation to take over the role in June.
Deputy Head Student and Senior Leaders applications open in June. Sixth Form Leadership Team positions become available from June. Any Sixth Form student can apply to be a member of the team.
At the beginning of September, eight House Captain positions open to new Year 12 pupils. There is a written application and interview process.
From September, the new cohort of Year 12 students can apply to become a member of Sixth Form Leadership Team.
If you have any queries or would like to get involved in any area of Sixth Form Leadership, please contact Mrs Beech, Senior Leader for Student Leadership - l.beech@kingsmeadschool.net