
What is Attitude to Learning?

Attitude to Learning (AtL)

A student's attitude to learning is as important as their attendance. If your child is serious about wanting to do well at Kingsmead School then they need to develop an excellent attitude to learning.

In each progress report, students will receive written comments from each of their class teachers, describing their attitude to learning and what they should do to improve it. 

The comments in the cycle 2 and 4 reports will be one of the four combinations listed in the table below. The cycle 6 reports will include a written end of year comment.


AtL description   Your lack of engagement with learning, or your disruptive behaviour, may stop you from making the expected progress in this subject.     You are generally compliant, but you require encouragement to complete activities in some lessons, which therefore limits your progress.   You consistently meet your teacher’s expectations, and you actively participate in all aspects of learning. You consistently apply outstanding levels of focus, commitment and resilience. You also seek out additional challenge and take responsibility for your own learning, often going above and beyond what is expected.  
How they can improve  You must improve your effort and/or behaviour in class. Without improvement your grade could fall, and you will not reach your potential. Specific strategies to support your behaviour and attention may be needed. You must meet your teacher’s expectations by engaging in class activities and completing all tasks, including home learning, to the best of your ability. Doing this consistently should result in your grade rising.   You should sometimes do more than just the expected tasks; challenge tasks and independent learning are excellent ways to improve your progress even further.    Speak to your teacher to see if there are any specific ways you can improve your knowledge and progress even further in this subject.  


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