
RIME Curriculum

We aim to nurture innovative and high quality learners, inside and outside of the classroom. Students, staff, parents, governors and local employers considered what we wanted for our students during a period of visioning involved all. The result was our vision and the core values by which we will achieve this. 

Students understand the importance and are learning the skills to be: resilient, innovative, mindful and employable (RIME).

RIME Leaders

All staff and students are invested in developing these attributes and the skills that underpin them. 

To lead us in this, we have 4 RIME staff leads. Our RIME staff leads are supported by two student leads each who ensure that the principles are embedded in lessons and the wider curriculum.

RIME Value Staff Leads



Resilience Lead: Mr J Moreton    





Innovation Lead: Mr D Summers





Mindfulness Lead: Miss J Killian





Employability Lead: Mr M Ordidge



If you feel that you could contribute to support our values please do contact us, we are interested to continue to work more widely with our parents and community.