
A LEVEL Results Day Advice

Year 13 examination results will be available on Thursday 15th August and GCSE re-take results on Thursday 22nd August.

You are invited to collect your statement of results between 8:30am and 10am, from the Main Hall. During this window, you will be able to celebrate your success with friends and teachers.


Results Day

On Results Day, Mrs Horsfield and Mrs Kendall will be in school ready to meet with any students that we have offered an appointment to based on the results that they have received. This may be because the results achieved have been better than expected or below what had been expected. In either situation, do not panic! 

Got the Grades?

Let us know your choices, then celebrate!

Just missed the Grades?

Ring your firm choice university immediately; you may still have got in. If you have been rejected, you may have got into your insurance choice and will need to give them a call to confirm. 

Missed the grades for firm and insurance universities?

Don’t panic! There will be staff available to help you start the clearing process. We will be aware that you have missed out on your chosen universities and will invite you in to school to support you with the ‘Clearing’ process. Alternatively, you are entitled to do this at home if you choose, however, I would recommend coming into school. If you find a university or course you wish to apply to ring them! 

Changed your mind?

If you have changed your mind about your firm choice and would prefer to go to your insurance choice, ring the insurance choice first of all to see if they will confirm that they have a vacancy for you. Once they have confirmed this, then you can ring your firm choice and ask to be released. 

And finally …

Please ensure you let Sixth Form staff know your chosen path for the coming year - where you are going and what you will be doing. You can do this by emailing our careers advisor (n.kendall@kingsmeadschool.net)