
Exam Information

Results Days 2024

A Level results day is Thursday, 15th August. 
GCSE results day is Thursday, 22nd August. 


Students are invited to collect their statement of results between 8:30am and 10am, from the Main Hall. During this window, they will be able to celebrate their success with their friends and teachers.

There will be a one-way system in place in the Main Hall, so students should enter via the door next to Reception. They will then be guided through to the Main Hall to collect their results. Once they have done this, they can return to the car park via the hall’s emergency exit.

Our Main Hall only has a limited capacity, so we have taken the decision to only invite students into the school building on results day. We ask that all parents, siblings, and other family members wait on the school car park.

If students choose not to collect their results from school, or they are away on holiday, students can request that Kingsmead School share their statement of results with them by email and/or post. All requests should be submitted to ks-exams@kingsmeadschool.net. Please note that these requests should be made directly by the student.  

A Level Results DAY Support

Mrs. Horsfield and our careers advisor will be available to discuss student’s results with them, from 8:30am in the Main Hall. They will be able to explain what options a student has, if they have not received the results they had hoped for. If students need support through clearing, or with their next steps (i.e. an apprenticeship), the sixth form team are also available throughout the day (please email n.kendall@kingsmeadschool.net). Additional information on the support available can be found here.

GCSE Results day support

If a student needs support with their Kingsmead Sixth Form place, Mrs. Horsfield and the Sixth Form Team will be available in the main hall from 8:30am. For non-urgent Sixth Form queries, Mrs. Horsfield is available on g.horsfield@kingsmeadschool.net. If your child is not returning to the Sixth Form, and needs help with their next steps (i.e. a college place or an apprenticeship), you can email our careers advisor at n.kendall@kingsmeadschool.net.


Exam Policies
Results Queries
Dealing with stress on results day


These documents have been written to help you. Read them carefully and follow the instructions.

If there is anything that you do not understand, please speak to Miss. Harding or Mrs. Mist.