Joining Us


From September 2024 we will be full with a waiting list for years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.  Transition for Year 6 students coming to Kingsmead in September 2024 commences March 1st 2024 (National Offer Day).

Transition week is Friday 28th June to Thursday 4th July

Aims of Transition 2024: 
  • To give a friendly and warm welcome to Kingsmead School
  • Set the highest expectations for all students
  • To support students with the challenges of starting secondary school
  • To increase awareness and develop the core Kingsmead RIME values

Transition to secondary school is one of the biggest and most significant changes in a child's life, which is why at Kingsmead we place the upmost importance on getting it right to ensure all of our new Year 7 students are happy, motivated and primed to be the best that they can be.

Our approach to transition consists of a bespoke programme of events that is tailored to enable all new students feel the warm welcome Kingsmead offers and to develop an awareness and application of key attributes that make a good learner. We look to hone core values such as being resilient, innovative, mindful and employable. We help to grow students who are bold, creative, unafraid to take risks in their learning, believes in their abilities and demonstrates resilience no matter the challenge in front of them. Our aim is to instil these skills in our students from the very beginning so that they can go on to be the best that they can be. 

Updated Timeline of Events:
March 2024
  • Welcome Packs with Letter 1 and Data Collection (electronic via MS Forms)
  • Transfer Forms sent to Primary Schools (with covering letter)
  • Facebook parents group set up
April/May 2024
  • Mr Dyke meets with Year 6 staff to discuss every student
  • Visits to primary schools to meet Year 6
May 2024
  • Letter 2 – info on transition week, chasing data collection sheets etc
  • SENCO meeting with Primary counterparts to discuss SEN students
June 2024
  • Letter 3 – detailing progress tutor, house, induction evening, September plans
  • Individual student visits to Kingsmead ( if they have come on their own etc.)
  • SEN visits
  • Transition Week (expectations, workshops, music video, creation of student character profile that will become used and linked to their progress and aspirations throughout Kingsmead)
  • Transition Learning Project goes live ( Learning booklets for Maths, English, Science and Languages)
  • The activities can be found by clicking here
Transition Week
friday 28th june - thursday 4th july

Year 6 students spend three days at Kingsmead, getting a taste of secondary school life and begin their induction to Kingsmead; our core aims are:

  1. To set the highest expectations and to begin to embed the Kingsmead way
  2. To welcome you to Kingsmead in a warm, engaging manner
  3. To develop rapport and start to build friendships between yourself and other Year 6 students  
Activities during Transition week include;
  1. Team Bonding activities with their new peers
  2. RIME workshops developing key skills
  3. Taster Lessons in subjects they will study in Year 7
  4. Creation of an individual student character progress profile
Induction Evening: Tuesday 2nd July 4.30pm - 6.30pm
  • Induction Evening – presentation by Mr Dyke and Mrs Milner, opportunity to meet your child’s Progress Tutor
  • Induction Booklet - encyclopaedia of knowledge about Kingsmead and Summer Learning Project included (Kingsmead Ready)

Year 6 students and parents invited to Kingsmead to meet their form tutors, gain vital information about school systems including the student planner, homework, student support, the school day etc. Students and parents will also meet Mr Dyke who will welcome you to Kingsmead and present key information and answer myths and worries students (and parents!) may have about September.

Our Transition programme doesn't end there though….

At Kingsmead we place valuable emphasis on the start that our learners make to high school and realise the importance of been supported, nurtured and challenged. Throughout Year 7, students are set a series of challenges and take part in a number of exciting events that further develop their Kingsmead Learner attributes and integrate them into the Kingsmead family.

Year 7 Induction Week – September

All Year 7s begin their life at Kingsmead with a bespoke programme of activities and sessions aimed at promoting positive relationships between students and preparing them for secondary school life, including:

RIME Workshops developing skills in Resilience, Extended Writing, Communication, Organisation, Self-Esteem, Building Relationships etc.

School Wide Treasure Hunt - working in groups, students solve puzzles around the school, meeting their teachers along the way and learning their way around Kingsmead!

Orienteering and Team Building Competitions

Computer Access session

CAT Tests - These provide the school with valuable data to help us cater for each student's learning needs.

GL Assessments – National, external assessments to enable Kingsmead to track and measure the progress, value added areas to develop for each student in English, Maths and Science.