Academic Excellence

Student Voice

Student Voice at Kingsmead leads change.

Ultimately our aim is to help form creative, resilient and independent learners.  We look to unlock the potential every person has no matter what role they hold within our school.

Student Voice allows us to better understand our students to make this vision a reality.  We can only successfully challenge barriers to success if we truly understand what they are.  We can only recruit and develop the best staff, if we listen and involve the feedback of our students.

We gather information throughout the school year in lots of ways (see the attachment below).

Examples of how student's have helped directly influence change:

  • Greater challenge in lessons - given earlier

  • A fair and appropriate learning behaviour approach

  • The rewards structure

  • Expansion of the farm - introduction of other animals

  • Courses in 6th Form

  • Student leadership invited to Governing meetings

  • Extracurricular activities both in and outside school

  • The expansion of the innovation room idea (we now have 8 and counting!)


Below we have included the most recent summary of student voice for last term: 

How student voice is built in to what we do

Most recent student voice summary