About Us
Policies & Procedures
For the policies for Kingsmead School within the John Taylor Multi Academy Trust please click here.
For the JTMAT publication scheme please click here.
Kingsmead's procedures, Strategies and Approaches are listed here. Following any changes, these are ratified by the JTMAT board and updated on the website.
Religious Education
Religious Education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum. It plays an important part in the spiritual, moral and cultural development of our students. Throughout their time at Kingsmead, all students will follow a course based on Staffordshire's Agreed Syllabus. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education, but before exercising this right, they are requested to discuss this with the Headteacher.
Collective Worship
Kingsmead students will be involved in collective acts of worship, conducted either in year or tutor groups. This activity offers our young people the opportunity to explore and share beliefs and to reflect upon their own ideas and values. Each morning a 'thought for the day' is set for use in tutor groups.
Weekly whole year assemblies will be held to support this system and to celebrate achievement. Parents do not have the right to withdraw their children from this activity.
Information Technology & E-Safety Policies
Information Technology & E-Safety Policies are available in the E-Safety section.
Hard copies of policies or indeed any information on the website can be obtained from:
Mrs Addison (Head of School's PA) - l.addison@kingsmeadschool.net
GDPR & Privacy Information https://jtmat.co.uk/privacy/
You can visit our Website Accessibility Statement here.