About Us

Old Kingsmeadians

We hope to increase our involvement with former Kingsmead students through our Alumni Project.

It's become clear from various groups on social media sites that the school is remembered fondly by a great many people and so we'd like to give people the opportunity to engage with the school and see how it works today, and what it looks like.

If you're a former pupil from the school and would like to show preliminary interest in being involved with life at Kingsmead again, even just to visit, then please take the time to complete the form below.

Kingsmead School will use the information your provide to us, including your email address and phone number, only for contacting you with regards to the Alumni Project. You can change your mind at any time by emailing alumni@kingsmeadschool.net stating your name and email address or by calling the school on 01543 227 320. We will then delete the data that you have submitted. More information on privacy can be found here.

By clicking 'submit' you agree to these terms.