Academic Excellence

Employer Links

An overriding commitment to careers provision

We are committed to hosting an annual careers fair, organising visits to universities, providing students with key information around apprenticeships, T-Levels, vocational courses, and university,  offering students opportunities to meet with employers and we promote work related learning in all Key Stages.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact Mrs Kendall. We are flexible and run a number of different types of careers education events. These include:

Careers Fayre – 50+ providers have stalls and present to Kingsmead students and parents as well as other families from Hednesford and Cannock

Assembly – an opportunity to talk to a whole year group sharing what you do and opportunities regarding careers at your work place

Class or specific selection talk – often involving a selection of interested students or meeting a requirement of the provider. These sessions can take place anywhere within the school day

An audience with… - a 30-45 minute talk with interested small group of students and potentially parents. There is a question and answer style format within these events

Work experience – support Year 12 students for work experience

Please contact our Careers Advisor Mrs N. Kendall if you are an employer or provider interested in promoting careers at Kingsmead School.


Going forward our focus from a careers perspective is:

Priority 1: Enterprise – to develop and embed and Enterprise culture within and across the school curriculum.

Priority 2: Employability – to develop the employability of students with a focus on soft skill development, work place behaviour and exposure to the world of work.

Priority 3: Careers education and inspiration – to continue to add to the quality of careers guidance in schools.